BABES IN THE DIRT 5 - April 26th-28th

Babes in the Dirt 5 ticket sales are L I V E ! We have rented the entire Quail Canyon MX Park and group site April 26th-28th for a ladies only weekend of off road fun! You must be pre-registered to attend and tickets are non refundable.
Who it's for:
This is a ladies only dirt bike & ATV campout for those who want to explore dirt and learn riding fundamentals. We cater to ladies new to dirt to advanced so come with the mindset to be challenged but most importantly, to have FUN!
The Basics
This weekend is about off-roading, camping, and good times with friends so high five your neighbor, they could easily become your new BFF. Rain or shine, gates to the group site will open at 10:00 AM sharp on Friday April 26th. The group site has limited space and there is no assigned camping spots. If you buy a ticket, you will have a space but under no circumstances is "saving spots" allowed once you arrive. If you wan to be next to your bud, arrive together.