GARAGE: 1990 HONDA XR200R // 2000 KTM 200EXC // 2006 SUZUKI VSTROM 650
I began my motorcycle story at a much later stage in my life than many. Growing up, no one I knew rode, not any family members or friends. Motorcycles were just something I didn’t even think about... until the day they took over my life. 😊

In 2014, I was driving to work in a terrible state of depression. I hated my profession and many things about my life. I felt like I was living the life I was told to live, but not the one I was meant to live. It was then that I actually noticed motorcycles for the first time. A girl rode past me with a grin going from ear to ear. I don’t know who she was, but she changed everything for me. After I saw her, I could not stop thinking about the smile on her face and the freedom I saw in her eyes. I knew somehow, that I too was meant to ride. I bought my first motorcycle that week, a Harley Davidson Sportster Iron 883, and began my motorcycle journey.
Later that year, I heard about an all women’s motorcycle camp out called The Dream Roll. While attending the event, I learned about various women’s motorcycle groups around the country. I searched for a group near my home, but it didn’t exist. Inspired by the camaraderie that was abundant at The Dream Roll, I founded a female motorcycle group called the Torque Wenches, which now has over 500 members.
As the group grew and my time on a bike increased, I knew I could no longer remain in my current passionless career. One of the biggest things moto had already taught me was what happiness and empowerment felt like and trust me, that’s a powerful combo. I left my career as a pharmacist, despite the many dollars spent on schooling, and decided it was time to follow my heart. I found myself working for a motorcycle shop that was extremely supportive of my passion for two wheels. Whenever I wanted to take time off work for a moto event, they let me.

In 2016, I found out about a new event called Essence of Dirt. It was an all women’s dirt bike campout that encouraged even women who had never ridden a dirt bike to attend. I was stoked! I borrowed a dirt bike from one of the Torque Wenches, threw together a craigslist special of dirt bike gear, and hitched a ride with another gal. It was then that I had my first taste of dirt and omg did I love it! I thought I had been passionate about motorcycles before? Yeaaaa nope my love of street bikes paled in comparison to how a dirt bike made me glow.

Unfortunately, I had no garage and no money. Dirt bikes and I weren’t meant to be... yet. Flash forward a year and I’ve found myself a place with a garage and enough money to buy my first dirt bike, a 1990 Honda XR200R. I became an addict. No lie. I was on that bike every week. If I had free time, I was looking for someone to ride with. I was so addicted that I no longer wanted to work my normal job and live my normal life. I wanted to rearrange everything so I could ride more, so I did.
I left my job at the moto shop and looked for remote work without specific working hours. I purchased a van and a trailer and set off for nomadic living. It was awesome and I got to dirt bike a lot! Not only that, since my work was remote, I was able to attend more moto events, even those that previously were too far away.
One such event was Babes in the Dirt, which is where I finally got to meet the WLF crew. They were at the event to assist with any issues on the trails and they were just awesome! All the gals were appreciative of the help they provided.
I had the opportunity to ride a few trails with the guys and they were nothing but smiles. The whole group exudes everything they say, it’s all about going further together. I think this is part of why I love motorcycles so deeply. I had always played on sports teams as a child. As an adult, I missed that sense of community, shared interest, and support. I think with motorcycles that mentality is extremely prevalent. The people I’ve met on a bike have become my best friends and chosen family.

I am so thankful for all that motorcycles have taught me, all the ways they’ve changed me, and all the times they’ve inspired me to follow a life path I chose for myself. If you don’t ride, I encourage you to try and see if it doesn’t do the same for you!