[WLF] PRO-Files: Sarah Roth - 01

GARAGE: 2015 KTM - 350 XCFW
My obsession with two wheels started at a pretty young age. However, despite my best efforts early on, I didn't end up getting into riding until about six or so years ago. I'm pretty sure I inherited some sort of moto gene, the kind of thing only known in local folklore. But in all honesty, that magic was most likely passed down by my father who grew up on dirt bikes as a kid. I love hearing stories about his days racing motocross in the 70's. Barely there suspension, rudimentary safety gear, you know, when men were men.Â

It all started with a trip to the Hatfield McCoy trails nestled in the scenic mountains of West Virginia. My trusty stead was a borrowed CRF230, which mind you, seemed pretty intimidating to me at the time. It was the nastiest, snowiest, muddiest and coldest two days of riding anyone on their first intro to dirt bikes could have been on, but I loved every minute of it. I managed to crash a handful of times and introduce my fingernail to my knuckle at one point, but I was all smiles and that's a win in my book.
Six months after learning to ride I was unleashed on the wilds of southwest Colorado, fraught with it's steep cliffs, intense climbs, and incredibly isolated single track. Looking back at that first trip, I'm not quite sure how I didn't die. I ended up outgrowing the 230 pretty quick and picked up a KTM 250 XCFW. We ended up putting a 280 big bore kit in it because I finally couldn't wring out the kind of power I wanted. Man, I loved that bike.Â

My cousin Aaron put the bug in my ear to try out stage rally, so I mentally prepped for the next race that Fall and fell in love with the sport of racing RallyMoto. The series is put on by the RallySport chapter of NASA. No, not the space program, but the National Auto Sport Association. RallyMoto, if you're familiar with the WRC in Europe or the Rally America series here in the US, is pretty much the same thing but on two wheels instead of four. And you still run on the same stages as the race cars. You have no co-driver to read you pace notes, limited space for lighting during night stages, and no protection from the elements. Fire up Google and search for a few WRC videos and then just imagine that on a dirt bike. Racing at white knuckle speeds all day and through the night, in the sun or the rain (sometimes snow), with either gravel, sand, or asphalt speeding by under your tires. It’s basically a sprint rally over the course of one or two days (depending upon the event), with transits that require navigation and precise timing calculation to not incur any penalties. I had some class wins, but my favorite and also my crowning glory was my first national podium at Black River Stages held in Harrisville, NY. There isn't a women's class, we were all just a field of racers based on the cc's of our motorcycles. I used to also race enduros and hare scrambles but it was hard to compare either of those to the thrill of stage rally. There's nothing else quite like it.

The most difficult part about living here is deciding where and what you want to ride. I'm now six hours from the riding we do in CO, four hours from Moab, and only a few hours from the hidden majesties of Idaho.

Currently I'm sitting on the moto sidelines as I just recently introduced the engine case and water pump of my bike to a rock. It took four people, myself included, to tow/push/pull my bike out from the middle of nowhere. Having a great group of friends to ride with is pretty clutch, I'll forever be thankful for their help. I managed to bust up my bike at the furthest point from our trucks. It took us almost four hours to get the bike up and over two mountains and to the closest road we could get a truck onto. It was quite an experience and an even greater story. All I can hope for now is to get it fixed, hopefully soon, and be back out on the trails again. It's been about a month and it's already felt like forever.
I’m super pumped to say that I’ve been invited to be a Factory Rider for the Timbersled team this upcoming season. I can’t tell you how excited I am for the snow to start flying, usually it’s the other way around and I can’t wait for it to melt so I can get back on my bike. Now I won’t have to give up what I love just because Old Man Winter came to town for a bit.  Looking way down the road, I definitely have my sights set on a moto trip somewhere outside of the U.S. Not sure where, but it will definitely be amazing wherever we go.
I'm currently a member of the Portland based moto club, the Torque Wenches. I've been given the blessing to start a new dirt chapter here in Utah. The group originated in Portland, Oregon and consists of a rad group of ladies that welcome all skill levels and all types of two-wheeled machines. It's all about sharing the collective passion we have for everything moto.
The Utah chapter is still in the beginning stages but I have high hopes to build it into something great. Eventually hosting garage nights to help educate ladies on proper maintenance and care of their bikes as well as provide a chill and comfortable environment for them to learn how to wrench on their machines.
Further down the road when I can put together some extra funds, I'm hoping to pick up a small bike to keep in the stable in case there are any ladies out there that have always been interested in trying out dirt but have not had the proper bike and equipment to do so.
I love passing along my knowledge and experience to anyone who's looking to learn a thing or two about dirt bikes and venturing off the tarmac.

All of us at [WLF] Enduro want to give massive thanks and appreciation to Sarah & our amazing partners for helping launch the Pro-Files campaign. Sarah put so much time and skill into building this amazing article. It's all about the rider! Check out and subscribe to Sarah's killer feeds & channels! THANKS!